Osobné informácia
Stano Ráček MD
Gut Microbiome Supervisor
Vzdelanie a tréningy

MUDr. Stano Ráček
MUDr. Ráček is the author of the concept “Health in Your Own Hands“ (in Slovak: „Zdravie vo vlastných rukách“). This concept combines the latest knowledge obtained by analysing studies from prestigious periodicals, information from regular visits to foreign seminars, courses, trainings and, of course, active medical practice. He has been working on epigenetics, microbiota, nutrition, dietary supplements and functional habits for more than nine years.
Mudr. Ráček investigates the relations between nutrition, microbiota, sleep, habits and health problems. In his practice, he works effectively with a complex patient anamnesis, “tailored“ blood sampling, sequential analysis of the microbiome, evaluation and compilation of meal plans and lifestyle measures.
At the Symptomedica clinic, MUDr. Ráček mainly treats people with various chronic conditions, but also enthusiasts looking for the latest trends in health prevention and a sustainable lifestyle. As a trained and certified doctor, he conducts consultations for gut microbiome restoration therapy – the 10-day FMT program – and is a supervising doctor and advisor throughout the whole bacteriotherapy process.